What’s something you’re looking to buy at the moment?
Clothing-wise, I want to buy more tailored pieces. I’m flying to Cambridge, Massachusetts right now and plan on going to the Andover shop to buy a blue blazer by Jake Mueser, who is making me a suit and a sport coat from tweed I bought at Campbell’s of Beauly this spring. I’m excited to wear more tailored clothes.
On a non-clothing note, I keep almost buying a Traeger Flatrock grill. I want to get back into cooking outside, and breakfast is my favorite meal—so I want to put that griddle to work.
What’s your take on the current menswear resurgence?
I think it’s really fun. There’s a lot of cool and different things happening all at once. It’s a great time to be interested in style because there’s no right or wrong way to do it.
You’re an avid golfer. Why do you think the intersection of golf and fashion is huge right now?
First, let me say I know the optics of golf are terrible. If you can get past some of the questionable things surrounding the game, there’s much to love—there are great people around the game too.
Recently many new and younger people have discovered golf. These people already have aesthetic preferences and want to do things differently. If you already dress a certain way and have a developed personal style, you aren’t going to give that up to play golf—so people are just bringing their already established style to the game. And let me tell you … golf is better for it.
Three favorite brands, currently?
Ghiaia. Davide is a genius and I think he’s the coolest guy in Los Angeles. I also love Wythe and Junior’s.
Do you shop more online or in person?
More in person. I do follow-up orders online, but I prefer to feel things in person and try things on.
What city has the best shopping?
Tokyo and it’s not even close. I love to buy things I can’t get at home or online. When I go to Japan, there are a lot of items that are Japanese only. When I go to Italy, I buy ceramics or other handmade goods from local artisans. Globalization can be a bummer because everything is the same everywhere.